Thursday, 8 December 2011

Summary of Examiners Report 2011

Below are some key nuggets of information that you should take notice of year 12 whilst working of your Foundation Portfolio:

- You must make an ongoing 'account of the journey', make at least one blog post each lesson, so at least 5 a week.

- Evidence all of the stages of the production and clearly discuss changes and ammendments made.

- Clearly and consistently title and label your work

- Take photos of paper based work and upload to your blog, use a variety of methods for recording your work (photos, videos, websites, PowerPoints, Prezi, Wordclouds, screen grabs, audio recording, written texts)

- Use of a variety of methods to research the audience (questionnaires, focus groups and interviews) which you have carefully analysed and have used to inform your production decisions. You should also consitent refer to film institution techniques and previous research/experience of into film and genre.

- Develop the narrative and enigma, so spend time on your screenplay, draft and re-draft! Explain your choices, even if they differ from your original ideas.

- Acknowledge when you make mistakes and reflect on how you improved and what you have learnt about the process of film production.

- Plan your time effectively, be aware of your individual contribution and allowing time for each task set.

- Pay attention to titles and sountracks and allow enough time to create them professionally (Livetype software helps with this)

- Use a variety of shot types, especially close-ups where appropriate

- Check you are framing your shots, consider the Mise-en-scene carefully (do you want that mop in the background? Is the character appropriately lit? Was that car in the same place in each shot?)

- When completing the 7 evaluation tasks, make links to your planning and where you evaluate as a group you msut introduce yourself each time to evidence your contribution...remember the examiner doesn't know you like we do!

Ok, so all of these points above you should consider regularly throughout the production of your foundation portfolio.

If you want to achieve Level 4 you must regularly record and reflect on your FP journey in detail, using a variety of media, and you need to produce a carefully researched film opening sequence that looks professional.

Any questions, you just have to ask.


- Miss O

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