Thursday, 22 December 2011

Chris, Jamie V and Daniel W

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you email me the URL for your blog so that i can add it to the blogroll...i want to see your work! (First day back is fine)


- Miss O

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Merry Christmas...See you in 2012!

You have a lovely Media Department gift of...homework!

Don't worry, you just need to update your blogs and start a production schedule. Check lesson notes for Lesson 26

You should have a screenplay now and be ready to storyboard your opening sequence.

Thanks for a really productive and positive first term.

Come back refreshed

- Miss O and Lawesy

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Your Blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attention Year 12!

I have looked over each of your blogs and i have some concerns...

Make sure all blog posts are completed and not left half-finished

Titles and Spelling
Please check spelling and ensure you give each post a clear detailed title.

Genre Research
Some of you have only 1 close analysis of a film opening sequence from your chosen need at least 5!

Variety of media
You need more than just written text, and if you upload a photo then label it and tell us why it is on your blog.

Links to production
You must make sure you are linking your genre research and audience research to your production plans.

Welldone to those of you who have done a great job of maintaining your blog. I expect that over Christmas you will all have up-to-date dazzling blogs!

So far you should have covered:

- Initial Genre Research
- Chosen FP Genre Research (analysis of 5 opening sequences)
- Initial Ideas for Opening Sequence
- Treatment
- Treatment Pitch
- Predicted Target Audience
- Audience Research (all of the methods used)
- Audience Research findings (analysis of results)
- Target Audience Profile
- Treatment (new drafts)
- Screenplay (all of the drafts)


- Miss O

Summary of Examiners Report 2011

Below are some key nuggets of information that you should take notice of year 12 whilst working of your Foundation Portfolio:

- You must make an ongoing 'account of the journey', make at least one blog post each lesson, so at least 5 a week.

- Evidence all of the stages of the production and clearly discuss changes and ammendments made.

- Clearly and consistently title and label your work

- Take photos of paper based work and upload to your blog, use a variety of methods for recording your work (photos, videos, websites, PowerPoints, Prezi, Wordclouds, screen grabs, audio recording, written texts)

- Use of a variety of methods to research the audience (questionnaires, focus groups and interviews) which you have carefully analysed and have used to inform your production decisions. You should also consitent refer to film institution techniques and previous research/experience of into film and genre.

- Develop the narrative and enigma, so spend time on your screenplay, draft and re-draft! Explain your choices, even if they differ from your original ideas.

- Acknowledge when you make mistakes and reflect on how you improved and what you have learnt about the process of film production.

- Plan your time effectively, be aware of your individual contribution and allowing time for each task set.

- Pay attention to titles and sountracks and allow enough time to create them professionally (Livetype software helps with this)

- Use a variety of shot types, especially close-ups where appropriate

- Check you are framing your shots, consider the Mise-en-scene carefully (do you want that mop in the background? Is the character appropriately lit? Was that car in the same place in each shot?)

- When completing the 7 evaluation tasks, make links to your planning and where you evaluate as a group you msut introduce yourself each time to evidence your contribution...remember the examiner doesn't know you like we do!

Ok, so all of these points above you should consider regularly throughout the production of your foundation portfolio.

If you want to achieve Level 4 you must regularly record and reflect on your FP journey in detail, using a variety of media, and you need to produce a carefully researched film opening sequence that looks professional.

Any questions, you just have to ask.


- Miss O

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Examiners Report 2011

Here is the link to the examiners report for January 2011:

I will post a summary of key information very soon.

Remember: Check lesson notes for homework.

- Miss O

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Audience Profiling Homework


Thank you for a fantastic lesson, you left me smiling after your efforts today. Well done.

So your homework this week is a 'two-parter'
1. Watch a TV Drama episode and answer the 7 questions in a blog post (see Lesson 20 notes)
2. Get at least 10 people to complete your 'surveymonkey' questionnaire for Tuesday 6th December.

During Thursday's lesson you will be planning your focus group.


- Miss O

Thursday, 24 November 2011

TV Drama Monday's

Well done on your focus and effort today!

Please make sure you keep your blog up-to-date, you should be spending 5 hours a week on Media study and for this week i want you to complete the genre research update fully. Check the lesson notes for tasks that you still need to complete.

Next lesson is on Monday P5, you will be given your VIMA 2 feedback and you will be identifying ways to improve your marks.

Thereafter, you will be with 'Lawesy' on Monday's analysing episodes of various TV Dramas in preparation for Section A of your exam in the Summer.

Any questions, issues or concerns email or come and see us


- Miss O

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Scribd and Homework for Monday 21.11.11 P5

Well done today, another productive lesson!

So, you need to upload your open office presentation to your blog using You need to create an account at and then upload the presentation. Use the embed code to upload the presentation to your blog. Any issues with this please email or see me.

Your homework is on the last slide of the lesson notes from today. You need to complete this individually so that you are prepared for writing your finial treatment next lesson.

Remember, you will be pitching your opening sequence idea to the class, me and Mr Lawes so it needs to be carefully considered and well thought out.

The homework should be completed for Monday's lesson. Please ensure your blogs are up-to-date.


- Miss O

Monday, 14 November 2011

VIMA 2 Preparation and Revision


Your VIMA 2 in Media is on Thursday P1 and P2.

You need to recap and revise the following:

1. Representations (we will focus on each of these in detail across the year):
a. Age
b. Social Class and Social Status
c. Regional Identity
d. Sexuality
e. Disability
f. Race and ethnicity
g. Gender

2. Four Key areas
a. Camera
b. Sound
c. Editing
d. Mes-en-scene

3. Terminology – accurate and appropriate

a. Representation terms (examples)
1. Stereotype
2. Hegemonic/counter-hegemonic reading
3. Denotation/connotation
4. Target audience

b. Technical terms (examples)
1. diegetic/non-diegetic sound
2. covert/overt editing
3. movement (tilt, pan, zoom or creep)
4. shot-reverse-shot
5. over-the-shoulder shot
6. Flat angle
7. long shot
8. costume
9. narrative
10. ASD – Average shot duration

I want you to recap your VIMA 1 feedback and watch an episode of a TV Drama, analyse the four key areas, and practice a written discussion of one of the areas of representation e.g. gender.

Email me if you have any questions,

- Miss O

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Homework for P5 Monday 14th November

Hello folks,

Well done for your excellent effort today. Just to clarify the work you need to have completed by next lesson (Monday P5).

- Evaluation of the prelim (Answers to the three set questions and examples from your production)
- Genre Research homework on Gangster films - see lesson notes for lessons 9 and 10 for more detail.

Your work should be published to your blog and labelled.
If you are haivng trouble with your blog, make sure you have signed in with the correct email address (James Collins!) :)

Any issues please email or come and see me,

- Miss O

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Half-Term Homework: Let The Right One In (2008)

As well as having a well-earned rest, you also have to complete homework!

Please make sure you complete the 10 questions within the Film Education booklet for 'Let The Right One In'.

Your answers should be submitted on your blog or by hand if technology fails you. Either way, this work is due on Monday 31st October!

Any questions or concerns please drop me an email, i am in school over the half-term and i will be checking emails periodically.

Well done for a great start to Year 12!

- Miss O

Thursday, 13 October 2011

VIMA - First One Down!

Welldone today, you have completed your first VIMA for Media Studies.

Your work will be marked and graded and you will receive feedback after half-term. We have trips next week and so our last lesson before half-term is Tuesday P1 and P2.

Welldone again,

- Miss O

Thursday, 6 October 2011

VIMA 1 Revision


I really enjoyed our discussions today year 12, from the brilliance of Steve Jobs to the moral panics of today's world. Thank you.

As you know you have your first VIMA next Thursday P1 and P2. You must all be present and prepared for formal assessment. The format is exam style and you will need to revise the following:

- The 4 key areas of moving image analysis (camera, sound, editing and MES)
- Representations
- Terminology
- Audience Theory

If you have any concerns, please see me or send an email.

- Miss O

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

'Sound' Homework Task


Just a reminder that you have homework due P1 on Thursday 29th September and it requires you to submit a list of 5 pieces of music with a paragraph for each explaining why it represents your life or you. Your work can be typed or handwritten and given to one of us.

Any questions or concerns, please let us know before the deadline.

- Miss O

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

First Homework Task

Hello one-and-all,

Please remember to check the blog regularly (at least once a week) for lesson notes and homework tasks and useful resources.

The homework is due in on Thursday 22nd September P1 (LAW and ODE)
You are expected to write a detailed explanation of your chosen mise-en-scene (at least 500 words).

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please see us before the deadline.

- Miss O

Monday, 12 September 2011

Year 12 Introduction: ER Sequence

Right - here's the opening sequence of ER Season 1. I can't embed it, I'm afraid.

 - JL

Wednesday, 7 September 2011